Taking Nick’s advice, I mostly just hopped around the field, but I had something of a yaw problem, and then ended up crashing in order to try and prevent a crash.  Go figure.  Broke 2 props and 2 landing gear bits, but I learned something.  39 more hours of practice, and I should be able to fly this thing!

After buttoning up the wiring and top plate, took the quad outside to a flat spot and gave it a go. The props seem very uneven, with the right front one having more pepper than the others, and at full steam, the copter lurched to the left and I broke another prop. I think this is to be expected.

Build Log - Progress Sometimes Means Breaking Things
Progress sometimes – often? – involves breaking things. I spent the better part of the day getting the quadcopter talking to the transmitter, and just when I thought I had things figured out, the beast angrily leapt from the table and crashed onto the floor, breaking a glass, severing one of the leads on my tester, and in the process shattering one of the props and embedding the broken end in a roll of duct tape.
Build Log - Prop Embedded in Duct Tape Roll
This is progress! I’ve since removed the props until I can figure out exactly why the surge of aggression. I’ve got lots of props, so hopefully I can get through the early stages of the project with an intact quadcopter and all of my fingers.